
Preparation of Vegetable Garden Soil from Scratch

Preparation of Vegetable Garden Soil from Scratch means that I managed to build a vegetable garden in my backyard, on a place where was nothing but grass and weed. I planned to build a garden there for a long time, and it finally come to a realisation this year. The best way to start? Start digging with a spade!

Spade is a special shovel designed for just that. It's actually not a rocket science how to start a garden, really. You don't even have to bother with all the green growing from the ground. When you dig a garden, piece by piece, you turn the soil upside-down anyway, and the grass rot below which also enrich the soil.

Picture: Use the rope to help you shape your garden.


Starting a Bonsai Tree From Seed

Before we get started, you should be aware that starting a Bonsai tree from seed is an extremely long and slow process. Depending on a tree sort and size, it can take up to 5-6 years for a plant to become a "legit Bonsai", and it would still be a young one. If you know what you're doing, you should have a Bonsai tree by year 10. For me, that's not a problem.

I imagine leaving my Bonsai legacy to my future generations. Also, you will get the best "feeling" for your tree(s), and not to mention the satisfaction of taking care of it, since the very beginning. You can check my Bonsai time-lapse, to see how it all started in my case. Now, is it really THAT simple to grow a tree from a seed?

Apple tree plants. Is it really THAT simple?


April Photos [Video]

Every month I will make a slideshow video of some of the photos I've taken around my house. In this video, you will see specific April flowers, such are; Primrose, Daisy and Dandelion. Also, you will see Nectarine, Apricot and Cherry blossom. There is, however, one wildflower I'm not familiar with, shown in this video. If you know what kind of flower is that, please comment here, or on YouTube video. Next slideshow video will be about the progress of the Nectarine, Apricot and Cherry, but also Apple, Pear, Plum, and Melon blossom. Enjoy April in Croatia!