
Preparation of Vegetable Garden Soil from Scratch

Preparation of Vegetable Garden Soil from Scratch means that I managed to build a vegetable garden in my backyard, on a place where was nothing but grass and weed. I planned to build a garden there for a long time, and it finally come to a realisation this year. The best way to start? Start digging with a spade!

Spade is a special shovel designed for just that. It's actually not a rocket science how to start a garden, really. You don't even have to bother with all the green growing from the ground. When you dig a garden, piece by piece, you turn the soil upside-down anyway, and the grass rot below which also enrich the soil.

Picture: Use the rope to help you shape your garden.

I weeded up the plot for some plants with strong root before digging, but that's as far as I went with all the green. As shown in the video, ask someone to help you if it's a bigger garden. Don't force yourself with digging, all you can get is pain and that's not the way to enjoy a gardening. It took me 3 days (2-3 hr/day) to dig the 10m X 10m plot for a garden. I'm proud at my kid since he enjoyed to work (play) with me on this whole project.

When you dig up the whole garden, the real fun just begins! With shovel, I added a thin layer of calx to neutralise the PH value of the soil, but it also helps to get rid of some pests in the ground. Then I added the compost I have nearby, that I use for years. I put everything organic into compost, and every year, I turn the whole thing upside-down. That way, the new "stuff" gets below and rot faster, and the old, good "stuff" gets above, ready for use.

Picture: Before / After.

After I enriched the soil, I planned the whole garden with a rake. I made garden beds - aka what will grow and where. This backyard garden will be home for peas, beans, carrots, beets, onions, parsley, potatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, chamomile, and some other vegetables. For tomatoes and peppers, I use my second garden, and you can see it if you read my Tomato and Peppers Garden - Preparation of Soil article.

For the end, watch the video that will show you the process of preparation of vegetable garden soil from scratch I had with my backyard garden, and ask / comment anything related, I will gladly answer you the best way I can!

[VIDEO] Preparation of Vegetable Garden Soil from Scratch